An Experience.
A Journey.
An Adventure.
An Exploration
An Observation.

“Weeks after the program, I am still processing the information and thoughts I gathered, and that is what is beautiful about Face-to-Face: it is an unforgettable experience!”

F2F 23′ Participant

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Face to Face is a great way to truly explore the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by meeting the people who actually live it, face to face.

Powered by Hillel Montreal and  Federation CJA, F2F is a local initiative inspired by similar programs around the world. Its goal is to expose students in Montreal to both sides of the Israeli and Palestinian narratives and encourage discussion about peace.

The program is fully subsidized, including immersive meetings and experiences representing multiple viewpoints and narratives, all in the quest to uncover the story about what is happening in Israel and the Palestinian territories in a way that represents all sides.

The pinnacle of the F2F program is an educational trip to Israel and visits to the Palestinian territories, including a glimpse into diverse cultures such as the Druze, Ethiopians, Bedouins, and more.

Your safety is our highest priority. As long as we are cleared by security agencies to travel, the program will be running. The program will include preparatory sessions starting in March 2024 and will be highlighted by a visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories in May 2024.

This year’s tour in Israel and Palestinian territories will include informative sessions about the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

Past Participants Said:

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Schedule a 30-minute virtual meeting with our team to ask your questions, get to know us, and learn everything about the F2F Experience. Meeting with us does not commit you to apply to the program.

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What is F2F?

F2F (Face to Face) is a program that involves meetings and a trip to Israel and Palestinian territories to explore and learn about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The initiative started in 2019 and resumed in the summer of 2023 after being paused during the pandemic.

Why are you doing it?

We do it because we believe in peace, and peace can’t be achieved without discussion. We’re here to facilitate those discussions, hopefully bridging the gaps between different points of view and setting the conditions for discussions by all sides.

How to apply?

You can apply to F2F Program simply by filling this form and follow the instructions. 

Who is eligible?

Eligibility requires enrolment to McGill undergraduate program. Students should be open-minded individuals who are not afraid to ask difficult questions and are eager to hear challenging answers. The ideal participants in our program would be people who genuinely interested in learning about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict while maintaining a neutral point of view.

Participants can be from any undergraduate study program, as long as they have at least a full year (2 semesters) remaining in their degree.

how much does it cost?

The program is fully subsidized, which means you won’t need to pay in order to participate in our meetings or the trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories.

The only expenses you can expect are one meal a day during the trip, along side a commitment deposit of 250 CAD that will be returned to you at the end of the program.

What are the goals of F2F program?

What’s in the itinerary?

The final itinerary for this year’s program will be finalized by March 2024, but here’s a part of last year’s program:

It’s important to mention that the visit to Israel and Palestinian authorities includes fun activities as well, such as swimming, special dinners, wine tasting, and more.

What would be my commitment?

As a participant, we would expect your attendance at up to 6 evening meetings prior to the visit to Israel and Palestinian authorities, which is also mandatory. The visit is planned to last 8-10 days (not including flights) and will take place at the beginning of May 2024.

Considering the ongoing war, is it safe to fly to the Middle East?

Yes, visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories is completely safe. However, we are taking every possible measure to ensure the safety of our team and participants. Before and during the visit, we will maintain communication with local authorities to confirm the safety of every visit we make in Israel and the Palestinian territories in real-time. We do not take any risks.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to visit Gaza.

Powered By

Hillel Montreal

Established in 1944, Hillel’s mission is to provide support and programs for Jewish students in Montreal. Hillel’s activities include student clubs, as well as cultural and educational programs.

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Federation CJA

Federation CJA is a Canadian Jewish philanthropic organization located in Montreal that raises and distributes funds to support the Jewish community.

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The F2F Program offers a unique opportunity for McGill students in Montreal. Take your chance and join us in exploring genuine perspectives and uncovering the reality behind the narratives.

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